Thursday, December 9, 2010


"All the effort in the world won't matter if you're not inspired."


I suggest if you don't know who Chuck Palahniuk is, you take a moment or two to educate yourself.  You have probably seen the movie "Fight Club."  Did you know it was a book first?  Did you know that book's author is incredibly brilliant with a style no one can match?  Probably not.  If you did, you probably understand why I love his writing so much.  The quote in this post is from a book called "Diary."  It is possibly one of the best books I've ever read.

represent where you live. represent what you love.

I come from central Pennsylvania. There is a huge hardcore/metalcore scene where I live.  If there is one thing I miss about home, it's the music I love.  The music scene there is so hard to describe unless you go there and see it for yourself.  If you're into that genre of music, you won't find better anywhere else really.  I wish that I could accurately describe the music my friends and I listen to and the life style we all take part in, but I can't.  All I know is it is amazing and I can't seem to find anything like it here in Rochester.  There's nothing like spending your entire summer traveling all over most of your state, up to three times in a single week, to see bands or watch your own friends perform.  Every show I went to, no matter what venue I was at, I saw familiar faces or met new, friendly ones.  My summer was amazing.  My friends are amazing.  My music is amazing.  I love school and my friends here in Rochester, but there isn't anything in the world that can compare.  

A few of my best friends are in this photograph.  I love these guys.
 (In Search of Words live at Laserdome.  Summer 2010 )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

liz wolfe

StumbleUpon always manages to find me cool photographers.  I find her work interesting because it is so girly at a glance, but then you notice it is kind of dark and gross.  Awesome.  One day I hope I have that much creativity in me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

super fancy first blog post ever.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  Spent the day with some of the most amazing people.  Had quite an adventure. (11-24-10)